유의사항: Waiver 신청 후에는 DS2019 연장이 더이상 불가능 하므로 신청 시기를 유의할 필요가 있음

Waiver 신청절차

  • 신청인은 US Department of State (미국무부)로 온라인 신청서 작성 (case number 받음)
  • 관할 영사관을 통해 No Objection Statement 요청
  • 주미한국대사관에서 No Objection Statement 를 미국무부로 직접 송부
  • 미국무부에서 심사 후 추천서를 USCIS로 송부
  • USCIS 에서 approval notice (I-797, notice of action)를 신청인에게 송부
  • You can find information on
    • waiver of J-1 (exchange visitor) two-year home-country physical presence requirement here
    • apply for a waiver here
    • submit waiver application and check status here

2022 J-1 웨이버 타임라인

  • 총 소요 기간: 7개월
  • Feb 22, 2022: Sent J-1 waiver application (USPS priority)
  • March 10, 2022: Requested No Objection Statement requirement to Korean Consulate (USPS priority)
  • March 18, 2022: Korean Embasys sent No Objection Statement to US DoS (Checked through e-mail)
Item Action Date
Recommendation Sent September 28, 2022
No Objection Statement Received May 23, 2022
Fee Received April 11, 2022
Form DS-3035 Received April 11, 2022
Form DS-2019 Received April 11, 2022
Statement of Reason Received April 11, 2022
Passport Data Page Received April 11, 2022